Interview with Rob Hamilton

Rob Hamilton has been a lover of architecture for most of his life. He’s also a researcher and librarian by profession. It was this combination of interest and skill that led him to begin learning about the designer of the Hamilton’s iconic Herkimer Apartments, at the corner of Bay St. and Herkimer. Once underway, his research revealed the life of one of Hamilton’s great architects – William Palmer Witton. In the late 1890’s, Witton trained under Louis Sullivan and Dankmar Adler in Chicago. Sullivan is considered one of America’s great architects. Adler was known as a great structural engineer. Frank Lloyd Wright also worked for Sullivan. Witton returned to Hamilton and began his career as a designer of some of Hamilton’s most significant buildings. The exhibition features Rob Hamilton’s research that traces Witton’s career from his birth in Hamilton in 1871. It contains many images of his work throughout Hamilton, both past and present.. If you’re a Hamiltonian, you’ll be amazed at how many of the buildings you will recognize, even though you may never have heard of W. P. Witton.
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